
The lambda reads each tag of each RDS, EC2, Bucket and Stack instance, and when it finds the tag named

  • Saving, if the value is Enabled, it checks the following points
  • Stop, if the instance status, hour and crontab value matches, it will stop the instance
  • Delete, if the instance status, hour and crontab value matches, it will delete the instance
  • Start, if the instance status, hour and crontab value matches, it will start the instance

You can define 4 tags types on your instace:

  • Key=Saving,Value=Enabled
  • Key=Stop,Value=’0 18 . . .
  • Key=Delete,Value=’0 18 . . .
  • Key=Start,Value=’0 8 . . .


  • if you have added deleted protection on your object, you can force the deletion by force property
  • if you need to split the load by one lambda per service, you can uncommented the lambda functions and invoke_lambda property
  • you can decide which AWS services manage by services_name property
  • the default timezone is Etc/GMT

Search the bold word in the serverless.yaml file, or see below for an example.


You need an infrastructure with

  • a bucket for loading your data
  • a RDS instance where loading the bucket data
  • an EC2 instance where installing your software
  • a RDS cluster where loading the ETL data
  • a domain with an user of SageMaker Studio
  • a lambda for managing the saving costs

This system is not necessary 24H but only 2 hours in the morning from 8:00 AM and the developers work until 6:00 PM

  • the EC2 and RDS instances in production can be started at 7:30 AM and stopped at 10:30 AM
  • the stacks in staging (*) can be deleted at 6:00 PM
  • the apps created by user of SageMaker Studio can be deleted at 6:00PM

The tags that you have to add to your objects are

  • Key=Saving,Value=Enabled for all stacks, EC2 and RDS instances
  • Key=Start,Value=’30 7 . . .’ for EC2 and RDS instances in production
  • Key=Stop,Value=’30 10 . . .’ for EC2 and RDS instances in production
  • Key=Delete,Value=’0 18 . . .’ for all stacks in staging (*)
  • Key=Stop,Value=’0 18 . . .’ for all apps in that domain of SageMaker Studio

(*) or any other non-production environment that you can re-deploy as needed.